MESH Master

Footcandle Films 6: Project Nim

“Project Nim” is a documentary about a group of researchers in the 1970s that decided to raise a baby chimpanzee in a human environment and try to teach it how to communicate. The project didn’t go as planned, thus giving show hosts Alan and Chris a film to discuss on this month’s “Footcandle Films”. Listen to see what they thought of the follow-up to director James Marsh’s excellent documentary “Man on Wire”.
Chris and Alan also discuss some of the latest film news, including stories about Steven Soderburgh, the Oscars, and film society favorite Rian Johnson. Then, they provide their “Picks of the Month”, with neither film turning out to be very happy or uplifting. We’re sorry about that.
Running Time: 51 minutes. Hosts: Alan Jackson and Chris Frye. Original theme music by Chris Tullar (whose was recently interviewed on “I’m With the Band”, found at this link!)

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Chick Chat 4: November 2011

We went out on a ledge this month and invited some guests who claim they aren’t very girly. Did they even know who the Kardashians are? So, how’d it go? Tune in now for the discussion from the “other side”. Also, some holiday tips to keep you happy and healthy during what can be a stressful time of year!
This episode of “Chick Chat” is sponsored by Catawba Valley Medical Center. Visit the Health First Center at Valley Hills Mall for a variety of classes, programs and resources for the entire family’s health needs. To learn more, visit them online at We would like to thank CVMC for their support of The MESH!

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Exodus Homes represented this week on The MESH

The MESH published two different shows this week that each featured one of the founders and key leaders behind Exodus Homes, a regional organization that offers transitional and permanent supportive housing for homeless recovering addicts, alcoholics, and formerly incarcerated people returning to our community from treatment programs and prison. Rev. Susan Smith, Assistant Executive Director…

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Storytime Station: What If No One Likes Me?

“What If No One Likes Me?”, is brought to us by author Janet Young and Illustrator Neil Dowd.The book is read by the Rev. Susan Smith, Assistant Director of Exodus Homes in Hickory, North Carolina.  You can learn more about Exodus Homes by visiting their web site at

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People You Should Know: Rev. Reggie Longcrier (Part 1)

It’s time to spend some time getting to know the Rev. Reggie Longcrier, author of “From Disgrace to Dignity” and one of the founders of Exodus Homes ( Reggie spent much of his life in the prison system due to crime and drugs, and now he has the keys to some of those same facilities as a prison chaplain. Going from a life of crime to a life of helping others, his is truly a story of someone going from disgrace to dignity. Listen to the first part of his interview with Hal Row and get to know Rev. Reggie Longcrier and his inspiring story.
Rev’s book discusses his life in great detail, from his “lowest lows” to the role he currently plays in life, and is a great inspiration for all ages. For information on how to order Rev’s book, “From Disgrace to Dignity”, please visit You can also visit the Exodus Homes web site at to purchase a copy of the book online.
Running time: 65 minutes

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Leadership GPS 4: Satisfaction vs. Engagement

Alan and Tony Jackson, both with The Jackson Group ( discuss the differences between these two terms and how those in leadership positions can help manage both.

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The Parent Trip 2: Healthy and Happy Eating

The holiday season is here! So that means… lots of yummy food! But how do we keep our kids from only visiting the dessert table? Does it really work to sneak their veggies in other dishes? The Parent Trip welcomes Michelle Rimer, Director of The Solmaz Institute, on this journey to learning some tips for keeping your family happy and healthy on holidays… and every day!
Running time: 64 minutes
For more information on The Solmaz Institute at Lenoir-Rhyne University, visit their web site at

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CAHPS Cast 3: Communication with Doctors

How patients perceive the communications they receive from their doctors while in a hospital is a critical piece of the Hospital-CAHPS patient experience survey. Alan and Janette from The Jackson Group ( discuss this dimension of the CAHPS survey, highlight some of the research on patient/doctor dialogue, and then share some suggestions and ideas for helping an organization improve their scores.
Running time: 33 minutes
The Jackson Group is a management consulting and survey services firm located in North Carolina. The Jackson Group is an approved vendor for both the Hospital CAHPS and the Home Health CAHPS process, and has been helping organizations with patient satisfaction surveys for over 25 years. Learn more about The Jackson Group at

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Education Matters 5: Math, Science, and Robots!

Creative, abstract, innovation… Math? Joining Lamar and Tracy this month on Education Matters with guests Dr. Jeffrey Isenhour Principal of Jacobs Fork Middle School and Crystal Glenn, Executive Director of CVCC Workforce Development & Innovation Center. The group discusses the growing need for math, robotics, and science in the business world today. What are our schools doing to enforce that? What can get these kids excited about these fields? Education Matters – so tune in and educate yourself!

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Stepping Up Service 4: Social Media Customer Service

This month’s episode discusses the importance of Social Media in the Customer Service experience. Show hosts Alan Jackson (The Jackson Group, and Ed Gagnon (Customer Service Solutions, explain why organizations are looking at using Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to enhance or supplement their existing customer service processes. Along the way, they also discuss some of the challenges and potential pitfalls to watch out for when going this route.
Running time: 56 minutes
The Jackson Group is a management consulting firm specializing in customer and employee satisfaction surveys as well as leadership development. Learn more about them at
Customer Service Solutions is a consulting firm specializing in customer retention and growth strategies, training and research. Learn more about CSS at

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