MESH Master

The MESH announces two new shows!

The MESH is excited to announce the newest additions to The MESH Network: “Mike Is Speaking…”, and “Be Holistic!“. On “Mike is Speaking…“, host Mike welcomes a panel of outspoken teenagers from the Hickory community as they attempt to solve the world’s problems in less than an hour… or at least the problems faced by…

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Stepping Up Service 7: Take a Football Approach

In light of the recent Super Bowl, Stepping Up Service hosts Alan Jackson and Ed Gagnan ask the question, “What can we learn from football?” Hailed the ultimate team sport, this episode ties the methods used in the world of football to the methods used in today’s culture. From setting goals to satisfying a market, there might be more similarities between America’s favorite sport and the way we handle our services that ever imagined. Find out how this metaphor can help you step up your game… only on Stepping Up Service.
Running time: 46 minutes
The Jackson Group is a management consulting firm specializing in customer and employee satisfaction surveys as well as leadership development. Learn more about them at
Customer Service Solutions is a consulting firm specializing in customer retention and growth strategies, training and research. Learn more about CSS at

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Mike is Speaking… About Bullying

Let’s get something straight. We’re all bullies. Some of us are just in the habit of doing it more often. Most people won’t admit they are bullies, but actually victims. It’s true. When you’ve been hurt and unloved, you tend to act that way to others. The way we’re treated often becomes contagious. In this episode, we break down bullying and attempt, as usual, to solve the worlds problems in 40 minutes.
Let’s get real about bullying.
Running time: 46 minutes

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Leadership GPS: The Dark Side of Leadership

On this episode of Leadership GPS, join your favorite father-son team as Alan and Tony Jackson discuss the dark side of leadership. Is the dark side always a bad side? Does the light side always prevail? Find out just what the Jackson combo is talking about when this duo discusses different styles of leadership, models of leadership and general concepts for those in leadership positions or those who may find themselves leading others.
Running time: 47 minutes
Tony Jackson is a leadership development consultant and coach, helping organizations turn some of their strongest people into future leaders. For more information about Tony Jackson and his leadership development programs, visit DriveLeadership at

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Footcandle Films 9: The Best of 2011

Chris and Alan had a novel idea… what if they took a look at all of the films they saw in 2011, and then presented their “top five” films of the year? We don’t think that has ever been done before! Original or not, the guys present their favorite “Footcandle” films of the year, their favorite “Non-Footcandle” films of the year, and even throw out a couple of their “Least Favorite” (i.e., worst) films of the year. It’s a show all about lists and closing out 2011 with a bang on Footcandle Films.
Running time: 75 minutes

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Storytime Station: Fancy Pants

This month on Storytime Station we journey to France – for a dance – with some “Fancy Pants”! There is an excited young man who is in need of some pants, so follow along to see if he finds what he is looking for! You and your children will love this rhyming story — from the bright colors to the the talented reader… Fancy Pants will have you smiling from ear to ear!
Author: Gary Applegary
Illustrations: Matt Pfahlert (Pfahlert Creative Labs)
Learn more at the “Gary Applegary Author” page on Facebook!

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I’m With the Band: The Logic

On this month’s episode of I’m With The Band, the tables turn as Mary-Margaret fills in for Chad, a member of this month’s spotlight band, The Logic. From how the band got it’s name to the style and method of forming one of the Carolina’s most contemporary cover bands, join Mary-Margaret to discover what makes this local band tick. Explore the talent of The Logic and enjoy the music, conversation and good time with the band.

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CAHPS Cast 6: Communication About Medication

In this episode of CAHPS Cast, your hosts Alan and Janette discuss the surveying domain of communication and medication. This subject refers to a short survey discussing how well communication was delivered to patients in hospital settings who were administered new medications to patients. The participants in this survey are those who were given a new medication upon admittance to the hospital, not those patients who received no new medication. Join Alan and Janette as they discuss the importance of this survey and why communication is so important between hospital staff and patients.
Running time: 33 minutes
The Jackson Group is a management consulting and survey services firm located in North Carolina. The Jackson Group is an approved vendor for both the Hospital CAHPS and the Home Health CAHPS process, and has been helping organizations with patient satisfaction surveys for over 25 years. Learn more about The Jackson Group

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New Stuff 4: The SOPA, iTunes and Pinterest Episode

In the latest episode of New Stuff, join your host Lee Yount as he welcomes a panel of guests to discuss all things new in the fast-paced world of technology. Mary-Margaret, Alan, Matt, Donnie and Lee tackle the recent, controversial issues of SOPA and lead into discussing the quirks of mobile app developing. Tune in as Lee educates and converses with his tech savvy co-hosts to bring you the latest in developing technology, including information about iTunes University. Find out what’s going on with the Kindle Fire and the iPad, and the trendy, new website Pinterest that’s taking the Internet by storm. All of these things and more will feed your inner techie and it’s all on the newest episode of New Stuff!
Running time: 76 minutes

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Bleeding Blue: January 27, 2012

Its Bleeding Blue once again with Wes in the studio and birthday boy, Tarheel Danny, coming to us via Skype! The guys are in good spirits this week after the ‘Heels make a nice showing on the court. They discuss the key players one by one and look to the future of upcoming games. Tarheel Danny is going to be up close and personal in the Dean Dome soon, so he’ll be back to give us the scoop on Roy and the boys. Be sure to listen close for the announcement of a special guest coming in a couple weeks! Get your game face on fans… its shaping up to be a good season! As always, Go Heels!
Running time: 21 minutes

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