When you need a dose of entertainment chatter or just a good giggle, check out Chick Chat. Girls talking about things girls want to talk about. Celebrities, gossip, fads, and boys… the girls around the table touch on all of it! It’s sort of the guilty pleasure of The MESH… the show everyone is listening to, but no one wants to admit that they are. Check out one of our episodes and see what everyone is talking about.
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Bennifer, Cher, Evan, Your Mom. All the icons are discussed this Chick Chat! Did you realize Bennifer started 19 years ago? Do you think Cher should play Cher? Is Ben Platt too old? Did you know it’s not called a wheelbarrel? Sheesh… we learn so much in this episode. Turn off the backseat lights, pop those knuckles, and get ready… it’s time to Chat!
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You know – we could wax poetic about all the little...
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Well, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few months, this topic is not breaking news to you. It’s finally time to address the Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan. Or as we like to call it, “Moving the Spotlight Away from Prince Andrew”. We dive a little deeper into what WE took away from the sit-down. And to be honest, we still have a lot of questions. Our monthly Zoom call with the Queen was canceled, so obviously we are just winging it. Will Harry and William work it out? Is Kate a monster? Who actually said those (in)famous remarks? Will we ever get a baby Diana? Why exactly is Sophie a member of the Firm again? So much to unpack – never enough time. Fill your tea and be prepared for us to spill it… it’s time for ChickChat!
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There seems to be no happy news to share this episode… I mean… Royals are splitting, people are getting divorced, TV Hosts are saying stupid things, Mr. Big is not returning… it’s madness! While MM is not excited about any of this, Janette tries to take the positive approach. Can she hold on to her ray of sunshine for the whole show?? We try to salvage the show by providing some “must see” recommendations that are guaranteed to bring you out of any funk.
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There. I Said It..
In an episode of what might contain some unpopular opinions — one thing MM and Janette can agree on is how excited they are for a new year. Hello 2021! From the Inauguration looks to the fist bumps and elbow taps… they break down the latest from this week’s Presidential event. Next, they try to determine the validity of the Miami Heat’s decision to use Covid dogs (you can chime in anytime, Fauci). Then the ladies share their Book Club goals… will MM join? Will Janette finish? Will Oprah ask for their feedback? Finally, an uncomfortable MM tries to explain Bridgerton to Janette discovering it sounds even worse when you say it all out loud. They top it all off with some Southern Charm love and a little “this or that” for the loyal followers out there. Grab a Trop Hop and cozy up with Craig’s pillow… it’s time to listen to ChickChat!
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The ladies of ChickChat discuss the upcoming COVID vaccine and how they think things will look after this is all “over”. Next, in a shocking twist… the girls are blushing at the recent Disney / Pixar Investor Day announcement! Who knew an upcoming kids movie would make for such an “adult” conversation? Then, MM offers a couple TV show recommendations and leads the gang in a round of ‘This or That’. *WARNING: the debate or white or colored lights is addressed*
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Diet Turkey Season..What? Starting the show with a quick game of “This or That”? Reinstated quarantine makes you do some zany things! Then, the time has come once again to review the People Magazine Sexiest Man Alive list. Do we agree? Do we have other suggestions? Do we even know who these guys are?
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We’ve all been there – poorly prepared for something. Sure, MM could blame it on her kids remote learning schedule or the stress of the Holiday season upon us. But in reality, she was too busy watching Nick Jonas fight MMA on Netflix to concern herself with podcast topics.
While we may be winging it, we still find our way to important topics like After School Specials, scary movies, Janettes BB confession and MM’s recent poor parenting mishap. All this and more on the freshest of fresh Chick Chat episodes.
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We formally give our producer, Andrew Moose, some time on the mic to help give the “male perspective” on one of our favorite topics… BIG BROTHER! CBS has brought back an All Star season of our favorite reality game show and we break the houseguests down one by one.
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TV topics take the main stage of this episode! As Mary-Margaret is feeling a little bit of the pandemic blues, Janette is here to lighten the mood. Will the kids go back to school? Will celebrities give good advice? Could MM survive a night in the wilderness? Will our kids be embarrassed with our Hamilton karaoke? Bring on the twisted family dynamics and dark fantasy – it’s the latest episode of ChickChat!
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