Chick Chat

Hosted ByMary Margaret Baker

When you need a dose of entertainment chatter or just a good giggle, check out Chick Chat. Girls talking about things girls want to talk about. Celebrities, gossip, fads, and boys… the girls around the table touch on all of it! It's sort of the guilty pleasure of The MESH… the show everyone is listening to, but no one wants to admit that they are. Check out one of our episodes and see what everyone is talking about.

When you need a dose of entertainment chatter or just a good giggle, check out Chick Chat. Girls talking about things girls want to talk about. Celebrities, gossip, fads, and boys… the girls around the table touch on all of it! It’s sort of the guilty pleasure of The MESH… the show everyone is listening to, but no one wants to admit that they are. Check out one of our episodes and see what everyone is talking about.

All Episodes

Boo! Hiss!

Where do we start? The Queen is making arrangements and Kayne...

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Actin’ a Fool

While 2022 hasn’t kicked off quite like we would have hoped...

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Life is Short, Buy the Cream Cheese

 ’Tis the season for holiday deadlines and 80s TV. The ladies take...

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The Mullet of the Holiday Decor

The girls are getting ready for the Holidays… sort of. But before...

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Baby Please!

We get straight to the point this episode since Mary-Margaret figures...

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She Likes it Quite Hot

While MM tries to keep the show respectable with groundbreaking, hard-hitting...

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Shot Put in the Nude?

Kim’s undies are an official sponsor of the Olympics, Lilibet is officially here, and we’re officially Team #FreeBritney. Basically… it’s a very official episode of ChickChat! And just when we thought we had learned how to use Zoom… a “special guest” pops in and gives their take on the topic at hand. Crank up the air conditioning and enjoy this episode of ChickChat on The MESH!

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Your Mama Lied To You

Bennifer, Cher, Evan, Your Mom. All the icons are discussed this Chick Chat! Did you realize Bennifer started 19 years ago? Do you think Cher should play Cher? Is Ben Platt too old? Did you know it’s not called a wheelbarrel? Sheesh… we learn so much in this episode. Turn off the backseat lights, pop those knuckles, and get ready… it’s time to Chat!

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And Here Comes Princess Anne

You know – we could wax poetic about all the little...

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We Need a Royal Flowchart

Well, unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few months, this topic is not breaking news to you. It’s finally time to address the Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan. Or as we like to call it, “Moving the Spotlight Away from Prince Andrew”. We dive a little deeper into what WE took away from the sit-down. And to be honest, we still have a lot of questions. Our monthly Zoom call with the Queen was canceled, so obviously we are just winging it. Will Harry and William work it out? Is Kate a monster? Who actually said those (in)famous remarks? Will we ever get a baby Diana? Why exactly is Sophie a member of the Firm again? So much to unpack – never enough time. Fill your tea and be prepared for us to spill it… it’s time for ChickChat!

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