Brothers in Tech

Hosted ByAlan Jackson & Brian Jackson

Whether you are the person who everyone calls for tech support, are the person who is doing the calling, or simply interested in technology…this podcast is for you!

Apple Updates & Vision Pro

After an extended break and some soul-searching, the Brothers are back…and have decided to fully lean in to their passion for all things Apple. And what better way to kick off the Apple-focused version of Brothers in Tech than to discuss the new Apple updates! WWDC brought a number of hardware and software announcements that certainly have us intrigued, and we are here to give our initial reactions and thoughts of what you should be excited about. Time for an upgrade? Any game-changing features? Oh…and don’t worry, we spend plenty of time discussing the headliner, Vision Pro. Is it a game-changer? Should we be concerned if spatial computing catches on? Which Brother is already saving his pennies to be able to afford one? Buckle up, grab a drink (or two)…we have a lot to say in this one!

Products mentioned in the episode:

Your Hosts:

Alan Jackson (the older Brother) is a producer of online content with Jackson Creative and survey researcher with Jackson Insight.

Brian Jackson (the younger Brother) is an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at Pacific University and Product Director/Consultant at Senaptec, Inc.

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