Brothers in Tech

Hosted ByAlan Jackson & Brian Jackson

Whether you are the person who everyone calls for tech support, are the person who is doing the calling, or simply interested in technology…this podcast is for you!

Home Climate Control

Summer is here, and the time is right….to talk about A/C! You may be thinking that there have not been a lot of advancements in home climate control options, but the Brothers are here to make sure you are up to date on alternatives to the standard HVAC (which we now know what the letters stand for…). So, listen/watch to learn about some potentially more efficient options for not only cooling down your home this summer…but controlling your cooling system. Plus, you get to hear us brainstorm about how to solve Alan’s 3rd-floor cooling issues…as hearing about Alan’s problems is always fun.

System-types mentioned in this episode: Ductless/Mini-Split, Ceiling Fans, Window Units, HVAC

Products mentioned in this episode: EcobeeNestHoneywell

Your Hosts:

Alan Jackson (the older Brother) is a producer of online content with Jackson Creative and survey researcher with Jackson Insight.

Brian Jackson (the younger Brother) is an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at Pacific University and Product Director/Consultant at Senaptec, Inc..

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