Brothers in Tech

Hosted ByAlan Jackson & Brian Jackson

Whether you are the person who everyone calls for tech support, are the person who is doing the calling, or simply interested in technology…this podcast is for you!

Digital Photography – Deep Dive #3: Photo Management

So, you have taken some great photos on your camera or DSLR….now what? In the final deep-dive into the topic of digital photography, the Brothers discuss management of your photos/photo library, including:

·      Organization

·      Storage

·      Sharing

·      Editing

In addition, the “BiTS” (Brothers in Tech Suggestions):

  • Brian’s Pick = Photoscape X (Free, Mac or PC). A really nice desktop photo editing app that delivers a lot of features typically available on paid apps (e.g., cut outs, touch-up brushes, etc). **A pro version is available for Windows ($40), but the free version offers most of what you need.
  • Alan’s Pick = Gemini 2. Do you accidentally have multiple copies of files on your computer? Gemini will find duplicates of photos, music, and other files so that you can consolidate. $20 (Mac Only), or available as part of the SetApp subscription.

Have any feedback for the Brothers regarding this topic (or future topics)? Email