Brothers in Tech

Hosted ByAlan Jackson & Brian Jackson

Whether you are the person who everyone calls for tech support, are the person who is doing the calling, or simply interested in technology…this podcast is for you!

Brothers in Tech: Going Paperless – Deep Dive #1: Creating Non-Paper Documents

In the first deep dive into the “going paperless” process, the Brothers dive into the ins a and outs of creating new documents…including hardware, software, and considerations.



BiTs (Brothers in Tech Suggestions)

Brian: Paperlike, a screen protector for your tablet that creates an improved “paper-like” experience when writing with a stylus

Alan: Stylus Sling Pencil Holder, a “fanny pack” for your iPad to keep your pencil in place

Bonus BiT: Get your digital signature on file in order to be able to sign forms digitally!

Have any feedback for the Brothers regarding this topic (or future topics)? Email