Chick Chat

Hosted ByMary Margaret Baker

When you need a dose of entertainment chatter or just a good giggle, check out Chick Chat. Girls talking about things girls want to talk about. Celebrities, gossip, fads, and boys… the girls around the table touch on all of it! It's sort of the guilty pleasure of The MESH… the show everyone is listening to, but no one wants to admit that they are. Check out one of our episodes and see what everyone is talking about.

Everyone Gets A Trophy!

We had no clue the episode would go in this direction – but well, it did. Seeing how both our hosts have a little competitive streak in them, the latest news of a “revamped Scrabble” game has ruffled a few feathers. So, we get good and fired up about that – then we learn that we can’t play Mcdonald’s Monopoly anymore because of a mob crime family?? Seriously?

You’d think we would simmer down a bit by discussing some Royal Family news, but alas – Meghan and Harry have entered the chat. How much will Janette pay for a jar of the Royal Jam? Will MM ever get on the American Riviera Orchard email list? And which one of the hosts will purchase the Duchess dog food? Spoiler alert… neither.

Let off some steam… listen to the latest ChickChat on!