A.I.: Absolute Ignorance with Jon Reep

Hosted ByJon Reep

Jon Reep takes takes a hilarious and light-hearted look at the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence and it's hilarious implications on stand-up comedy

Will Comedians Go on Strike? Ultimate Actor Tom Cruise and Elon Musk’s “F Me” Money

In the second exhilarating installment of “A.I. Absolute Ignorance with Jon Reep,” the charismatic host delves into a captivating array of topics that seamlessly blend entertainment and insight. From a spirited exploration of Tom Cruise’s unparalleled acting prowess to a candid confession about his aversion to subtitles in movies, Jon Reep keeps the laughter flowing. In trademark fashion, he muses over the unyielding resilience of comedians who refuse to strike and demonstrates AI’s humorous potential by crafting a joke about home ownership that leaves listeners in stitches. With a keen eye on current affairs, Jon playfully dissects Elon Musk’s financial orbit and marvels at the marvels of space, discussing the mind-bending revelations brought forth by telescopes capturing awe-inspiring photos from the cosmos.

(Yes, we had AI generate the description for this episode. We’re just too lazy to write one ourselves.)