Brothers in Tech

Hosted ByAlan Jackson & Brian Jackson

Whether you are the person who everyone calls for tech support, are the person who is doing the calling, or simply interested in technology…this podcast is for you!

Scam Avoidance

Although the process of bad actors attempting to scam someone has been around since the beginning of time (actually, we don’t know if that is true…but it sounds good), but the use of technology to accomplish those goals has become rampant over the past 30-40 years. From calls on your landline to see if anyone is home…to emails to suggest that the Prince of Nairobi wants to send you a lot of money…to messages claiming that you need to provide your financial information in order to stop a mistaken charge, scammers are always looking to find new and effective ways of getting access to your information and/or money. Yeah…people suck. But, regardless of the approach, there are some strategies that can help limit the likelihood that you will fall victim.

In this episode of Brothers in Tech, we welcome a guest who has a lot of experience dealing with scammers and helping vulnerable users stay safe from scams. Bill Carrigan (IT/Help Desk/Support @ Pacific University) helps us figure out some steps in recognizing and avoiding the phone, email, text, and online sales scams. So, if you are still waiting on your millions from the Prince of Nairobi…this episode is for you.

Your Hosts:

Alan Jackson (the older Brother) is a producer of online content with Jackson Creative and survey researcher with Jackson Insight.

Brian Jackson (the younger Brother) is an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at Pacific University and Product Director/Consultant at Senaptec, Inc..

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