When you need a dose of entertainment chatter or just a good giggle, check out Chick Chat. Girls talking about things girls want to talk about. Celebrities, gossip, fads, and boys… the girls around the table touch on all of it! It’s sort of the guilty pleasure of The MESH… the show everyone is listening to, but no one wants to admit that they are. Check out one of our episodes and see what everyone is talking about.
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Chick Chat: Just Roasting Chicken
Mary-Margaret has been dreading it. Janette has been counting down the days. That’s right – we’re talking about May 19. We may have different opinions on Ms Markle, but one thing we do agree on… they weren’t just “roasting chicken”.
Chick Chat: To Recast or Reboot…That is the Question.
You know what they say, save the best for last! We tried to follow that rule and get the ugly topic over with first. It doesn’t deserve any more time than we already gave it.
Chick Chat: Paul Who? Megan Who? Kanye Who?
We apologize in advance for the long Big Brother finale rant, but it had to be done. We had some gripes to get off our chest! But, don’t worry, we have more to discuss after that… including 3rd babies, possible wedding bells, and a shout out to the great state of North Carolina!