The Written Compass

Hosted ByDr. Shana Hartman

A podcast for inspiration, education, and activation of powerful new narratives in the world of business and life from heart-centered folks just like you.

Episode 112: How to Publish a Journal

Many people love a good journal. Consequently, publishing a journal seems like an easy book and publishing asset. But, there is more to it than pretty pages made in Canva!

In today’s episode of The Written Compass, I break down the tips and tricks for creating a quality journal. Highlights include:

  • focusing on the user experience

  • deciding whether you want to create a guided or open-style journal

  • ideas about repetition, page design, and more!

If you are ready to see if publishing a journal is for you, head to to get on our calendar and talk about next steps.

If you want some help kicking things off, download my Embodied Book Writing Kickstarter:

As always, leave us a review so that more people see the podcast and get the writing support they need. Then, share your takeaways and this episode on IG, tagging me @shanahartman_ Remember, we are here to change the personal growth and biz strategy publishing world by activating our unique voices and stories.

If you are ready to see if working with Shana and her team is your next step for leaving your legacy and getting your core messages from business and life in an empowering book click this link to work with Shana