The Caregiver Community

Hosted ByFrances Hall

Navigating the frequently mysterious, sometimes frightening, and often humorous world of caregiving. If you are juggling the needs of spouses, children, step-children, pets, work, volunteer activities and parents and in-laws, this show is for you!

The Caregiver Community: Housing Options for Seniors

As our parents age, they may need to change their housing arrangements. These changes may be relatively minor, such as modifying their homes to make them more physically accessible or safe or securing home-based medical, health, or companion services to allow them to live in their homes more safely and independently. Changes also may be much more significant, such as moving to a new residence that is more accessible and that provides more substantial medical and assistive services. No matter how minor or major the changes, these decisions will be stressful for everyone!

Every community is unique, and every family situation is unique. And of course, every older adult is unique, so the housing choice that is right for one person may not be right for another person. How do we know how to guide our parents? Ted Goins, President and CEO of Lutheran Services Carolinas, understands the range of housing options open to seniors and the difficult questions associated with choosing the best option. Join Jane and Frances as they chat with Ted about housing and aging. If you are juggling the needs of aging parents and in-laws with spouses, children, step-children, pets, work, and volunteer activities, The Caregiver Community is for you!

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