Let’s say you took our advice on the last episode and started gathering customer satisfaction and experience data. Great! Now what? How can we take that data and actually use it to make changes within your organization?
Ed Gagnon of Customer Service Solutions and Alan Jackson of The Jackson Group describe several ways to use customer research data and examples of ways it can impact your operations and your bottom line. And, as always, they end the show with their “Customer Service Experiences of the Month”, where they share an experience — either positive or negative — they had recently and what we can learn from them.
Ed Gagnon is the President of Customer Service Solutions, helping organizations develop long-term relationships with their clients and partnering with them to meet their core customer service needs. Learn more about Customer Service Solutions at www.cssamerica.com.
Alan Jackson is President of The Jackson Group, a survey and consulting firm specializing in employee engagement surveys, patient satisfaction surveys, market research studies and leadership development. Learn more about The Jackson Group at www.thejacksongroup.com.