BONUS EPISODE: Natalie Windle Fell
BONUS EPISODE! Natalie Windle Fell has dabbled in stand-up, but that’s not why she joined me on my podcast. Her first book, “Rude Awakening: A Mixtape” was released and, within days, every copy Amazon had in-stock was sold. We chat about the journey that led to her awakening, the importance of music in our lives, her writing process and (OF COURSE), I ask her about her short stint in comedy.
Pat House is a nationally-touring comedian based out of Philadelphia. A regular performer in comedy clubs, casinos, and theaters all over the country, Pat has been a choice opener for Sebastian Maniscalco, Tom Segura, and Dan Cummins. He recorded his first album Biggest Thing in 2013, and his latest album Heard Enough Yesterday, hit #1 on the iTunes comedy charts. Both can be heard on iTunes, Amazon, and Pandora.
From Natalie: in 2018, i quit my soul-sucking corporate job without a backup plan and dedicated my attention to my spiritual awakening. i was thrown curve ball after curve ball – instead of coming up with a successful business and living my dream life immediately, the universe LOLed at me and said “not yet”. i had NO choice but to surrender and let my higher self take the reigns. (anyone else in this boat?)
i knew i wanted to write rude awakening back in 2018, but i still had to do more “research”! at the beginning of 2020 (pre-pandemic and other world happenings) i had a breakdown and felt so incredibly stuck. after tuning all the way in, i got the message that it was finally time for me to start writing. i was driving and listening to my go-to inspirational playlist and there it was – the entire format for my book, right in my ears this whole time!
rude awakening: a mixtape takes the form of a playlist i had been keeping of songs that touched me throughout my spiritual awakening journey. each story in the book was inspired by a song that helped me through something, inspired me to keep going when i felt like giving up, and touched a part of my soul that words alone couldn’t.
wherever you are on the awakening path, i hope this book lands on you like a breath of (expletive-laden) fresh air and inspires you to keep going. and who doesn’t love a great playlist?!