The generation known as “Millennials” are a large and growing segment of the customer base of many businesses. They are a unique – and in some ways – very demanding group. When it comes to providing them with the customer service they are expecting, there are a few tips we all need to keep in mind. Ed discusses this unique group, their needs and expectations, and how we can match those needs in this month’s episode of “Stepping Up Service”. And, as always, Alan and Ed share their “Customer Service Story of the Month” with you at the end of the episode.
About the hosts:
Ed Gagnon is the President of Customer Service Solutions, helping organizations develop long-term relationships with their clients and partnering with them to meet their core customer service needs. Learn more about Customer Service Solutions at www.cssamerica.com.
Alan Jackson is President of The Jackson Group, a survey and consulting firm specializing in employee engagement surveys, patient satisfaction surveys, market research studies and leadership development. Learn more about The Jackson Group at www.thejacksongroup.com.