Talk about interesting and very informative! This podcast gives listeners a chance to know how to be the best entrepreneur in today’s time. That is extremely helpful because there are so many people who would like to become one and gaining the skills to be excellent in whatever business a person desires. Guest Karen Mitchell gives some great advice because she has the experience in working in the marketing department at a community college in New York. Personally, it was pretty cool how the podcast was set up because I would have never thought that they would have a Skype call to contact her, but it was a great way to have the interview. She brought up three techniques to look for when it comes to marketing they are risk tolerance, opportunity observations and “tick tack”. Risk tolerance deals with knowing the limits and understanding if it is a good thing to take risks in marketing a product or event & knowing not when to do it. Opportunity observations deals with knowing where people really need marketers, as well as being able to communicate to an audience in a way that they understands. “Tick Tack” deals with being able to do the marketing with people, especially on social media. In Charlotte, there is a conference, which talks about all kinds of entrepreneurship techniques with marketing, public relations and different communications and business. Overall the information was great for our listeners. If I choose to ever become an entrepreneur, the information would be great to know. Great job MESH!!!