Having to pick my major in college was never something that I had trouble with. Many students change their majors two or three times, whereas I knew I was born to talk. Quite frankly, it’s really hard for me to shut up, so I knew the Communications field was for me. I knew there were many different programs of Communications, but I didn’t really care as long as I could talk, like all the time.
Because I am a Public Relations major and a Broadcast & Electronic Media, I get different aspects of communications. Interning here at The MESH has really made me realize, how much I enjoy doing public relations. Having to write many emails, writing press releases, and constantly communicating with people is what I hopefully will be doing with my career after college. I’m not nearly as educated as I need to be as a PR major, but it’s definitely a start. The MESH has made me work in an environment that makes me feel comfortable and laid back.
Mary-Margaret let me tag along for a Marketing meeting with The Jackson Group and JGI. Sitting through this meeting made me realize how many different people and jobs it takes to run successful businesses. It was really cool to see all of the stuff going on.
I recently made The MESH’s Instagram page! Instagram is the new, fun app to get on smartphones everywhere. It was time for The MESH to share all of its craziness that happens in this basement studio. Go check us out on Instagram, at themeshtv, where we already gave away a prize pack to one of our followers.
Over and Out,