Hayes Permar, producer extraordinaire on the David Glenn Show – listen live daily from 12-3 and Jim Young are back for the latest edition of the ACCSports.com Podcast.
Check that.
Make that the ACCSports.com Podcast PRESENTED BY SMITHFIELD’s CHICKEN ‘N BAR-B-Q !!!!!!
Can you tell we’re a little bit excited about having a sponsor for the podcast?
Musical selections this week: Ben Folds Five (Don’t Change Your Plans); Billy Joel (Miami 2017 – Seen The Lights Go Out on Broadway); Paul Simon (Was A Sunny Day).
Here are a few time stamps of note:
1:50 – A fond farewell to the Duke/Maryland rivalry. Well, not too fond if you’re Coach K.
5:49 – Jim complains about obscene chants from the Maryland students … and comes off sounding really, really old. Meanwhile, Hayes will not be winning any babysitting gigs with his suggested parenting tips.
12:15 – Did we mention we have a new sponsor? It’s Smithfield’s Chicken ‘N Bar-B-Q, and this makes Hayes a very, very, happy man. Very.
15:35 – Hayes’ Smithfield nostalgia leads to tales of his bus driving days. Yes, we assume he’s like Otto from the Simpsons.
18:05 – Roy makes the lineup change. All hail the wisdom of UNC fans!!!!
24:45 – Jim feels bad for Clemson fans after yet another finish that was sooooo Clemson. Also, Miami’s good. Deal with it, national media. Oh and congrats on that ACC regular season title, Hurricanes!
32:34 – Plug your ears, non-Triangle folks. Hayes has a stat that will tell you just how awesome hoops is there.
35:58 – Will the Smithfield’s sponsorship lead to more mid-podcast munching by Hayes?
37:18 – 45-43? Anyone want to play some offense in the ACC? Anyone?
45:54 – Harlem Shake discussion. This meme is soooooo played.
49:10 – ACC Tournament seating chart discussion. Hayes has some idea about which sections Maryland should be allotted.