Kyle Vincent returns to Hickory Arts for a concert on October 12 from 7:30 pm prior to his master music class the following day. The class runs from 10 am to 6 pm with a lunch break on October 13. The course covers beginners and advanced artists and is crafted to jump start up-and-coming artists interested in writing, producing, publishing and navigating the music industry. Advance registration required. Only 40 seats available. Lunch is included. At an additional cost, participants will have the opportunity to work with Kyle in a one-on-one Pro Session. The Pro Sessions will take place on Sunday, October 14.
Kyle Vincent is an international touring, recording Billboard Adult Top 20 charting artist. His songs have been placed in shows on MTV’s Real World, The Hills, Road Rules, network TV and film. Barry Manilow praises him as “the best singer-songwriter to come along since the heyday of Tin Pan Alley.” Vincent was signed to MCA as a solo artist, he recorded the album “Trust” and toured as the opening act for Barry Manilow on his “Greatest Hits and Then Some” tour. Kyle is one of a select few recording artists in history to have been signed to and recorded with six major record companies at different times (Curb/MCA, Mercury/Polygram, MCA, Hollywood, Varese Sarabande/Universal, UMe Digital). Goldmine magazine anointed him “the crown prince of soft pop.”
Kyle Vincent is the fourth in this year’s series of Hickory Arts House Concerts, sponsored in part by The Mesh: I’m With the Band. Hickory Arts House Concerts are very intimate. Volunteers to provide food (“pot luck,” if you prefer) for the performer(s) and guests is strongly encouraged. All proceeds always go directly to the artist(s).
KV will hit the media circuit as part of his Hickory tour beginning with WHKY’s First Talk on October 5 from 8 am, Lenoir-Rhyne University’s 99.3 WLRZ Radio on October 12 from 1 pm and The MESH: I’m With the Band, which will appear on iTunes shortly after his Hickory Arts class and concert.
This is a rare opportunity for Hickory and surrounding areas to be entertained, learn from and work with one of the industry’s best singer/songwriters.
Hickory Arts is a teaching and production studio dedicated to responding in a personal way to the needs of up and coming artists of all types and ages. The studio is located at 720 Second Avenue SW, Hickory 28602 across from Hickory Optimist Park and behind ITP (where you’ll also find additional parking). For more information about tickets and Hickory Arts, please visit hickoryarts.com or call 828-270-9801.
More information about The MESH’s “I’m With The Band” can be found by following this link. For details about Kyle Vincent and his career, please visit kylevincent.com.