This episode continues the interview with the Rev. Reggie Longcrier, author of “From Disgrace to Dignity” and one of the founders of Exodus Homes (www.exodushomes.org). Reggie spent much of his life in the prison system due to crime and drugs, and now he has the keys to some of those same facilities as a prison chaplain. Going from a life of crime to a life of helping others, his is truly a story of someone going from disgrace to dignity. This episode contains the final portion of the interview with Hal Row and get to know Rev. Reggie Longcrier and his inspiring story.
Rev’s book discusses his life in great detail, from his “lowest lows” to the role he currently plays in life, and is a great inspiration for all ages. For information on how to order Rev’s book, “From Disgrace to Dignity”, please visit www.fromdisgracetodignity.com. You can also visit the Exodus Homes web site at www.exodushomes.org to purchase a copy of the book online.
Running time: 50 minutes